1月17日,斯洛文尼亚总理亚内兹·扬沙(Janez Jansa)在接受印度媒体采访时,多次用“国家”指称台湾,并称斯洛文尼亚正与台湾洽谈互设“代表处”。
那么,斯洛文尼亚国内到底如何看待该言论?该言论是否意味着斯洛文尼亚对华外交政策的改变?就相关问题,斯洛文尼亚副总理兼经济发展和技术部部长兹德拉夫科·波契瓦尔舍克(Zdravko Počivalšek)接受了《华闻周刊》的专访。
斯洛文尼亚副总理兼经济发展和技术部部长兹德拉夫科·波契瓦尔舍克(Zdravko Počivalšek)
必须要指出的是,如果要做出这类决定,它必须要经过特定的程序,但据我所知,到目前为止,还没有任何指向这个方向的程序启动。在斯洛文尼亚共和国总统博鲁特·帕霍尔(H.E. Borut Pahor)的声明中也提到了这一点。
《华闻周刊》: 1月19日,中国外交部发言人赵立坚表示“一个中国的原则是中斯、中欧关系的政治基础”。在您看来,斯洛文尼亚总理近期的涉台言论是否会对中斯关系带来根本性的破坏?为什么?
我知道某些个人观点的确已经影响到了我们的关系,但我相信,我们不仅能够去解决这些问题,而且还能以此为动力进一步去增进两国一直以来的良好关系。据我所知,斯洛文尼亚在经济领域与中国一直保持着很好的合作,我们也有斯洛文尼亚-中国商业协会(Slovenian-Chinese Business Council),它与各方都定期保持着联系。因此,企业的确有机会向政治家表达他们的观点,而政治家则必须为企业创造良好合作的条件,这也一直是我工作的重点。
The Chinese Weekly: Do the Prime Minister’s remarks represent the current mainstream political thoughts in Slovenia or just represent the interests of specific groups?
Minister Zdravko Počivalšek: Political ideas, parties, and interests in Slovenia differ in a thousand ways. By announcing the improvement of economic cooperation through the opening of trade representations, a lot of misunderstandings had occurred. Some views were not discussed within the government.
It should be understood that such decisions require certain procedures and, as far as I know, no procedure in this direction has been initiated. This was also stated by the president of the Republic of Slovenia H.E. Borut Pahor.
The Chinese Weekly: What are your comments on the Prime Minister’s remarks and plans?
Minister Zdravko Počivalšek: In Europe, we look at these things differently due to different historical developments. It is in this light that I look at the views he expressed. As I already stated in my first comment, the views of others and, above all, economic interests must also be taken into account in international relations. In doing so, things need to be resolved in a tolerant manner, as conflicts do not lead to better solutions. Our relations can conceivably be successful despite minor diplomatic setbacks.
Diplomatic channels exist between countries and it is our duty, as the most senior representatives, to use them and converse through them. Personal views must also take into account economic and political realities.
The Chinese Weekly: On 19th Jan, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that ‘the one-China principle is the political foundation of China-Slovenia and China-Europe relations’. Do you think Slovenia’s recent policies regarding Taiwan will fundamentally damage the basis of China-Slovenia relations? Why?
Minister Zdravko Počivalšek: I understand the Chinese position. The One-China Principle is an established and recognised norm in international relations with China. For me, respecting different views and sincere communication between partners, tête-à-tête, is the foundation of international relations. I am aware personal views have shaken up our relations, but I believe that not only that will we sort things out, but also that this will serve as an impetus for further improvement of the traditionally good relations we have. I know that the Slovenian economy cooperates excellently with China, and that there is also the Slovenian-Chinese Business Council, which has regular relations with all stakeholders, so it is right that businesses sometimes convey their opinions to politicians, while politicians must provide businesses with conditions for the excellent cooperation, which is always the focus of my work.
The Chinese Weekly: Given your knowledge, how have the relations between Slovenia and China changed in recent years? What interests are most crucial in these relations? Under current circumstances, what should Slovenia and China do to fix their relationship?
Minister Zdravko Počivalšek: The Slovenian-Chinese relations are good in principle. Problems, however, do occur in everyday life between two partners. Stubborn people take them towards further conflict or even break-up, while smart ones have a talk and patiently resolve them, taking into account where the other comes from and their views. I believe that this will also be the case this time. For me, economic interests are always paramount in international politics. I am convinced that mutual interest in cooperation will prevail.
The Chinese Weekly: Are you optimistic about the future of China-Slovenia relations? What do you think will be the possible areas in which Slovenia and China can cooperate with each other to make our world a better place?
Minister Zdravko Počivalšek: Yes, I am optimistic. As I and President Xi Jinping have already established in our conversation at 17+1 Initiative meeting, in which Slovenia of course remains an active partner, there is still a lot of room for even better cooperation. Economic cooperation can be rapidly expanded in areas such as food, medicine, innovation, green development, and infrastructure. Slovenia can also play an important role in promoting EU-China relations.
This misunderstanding also shows that all of us need to do much more when it comes to understanding each other's views and avoiding such misunderstandings. We can all see that globalisation also leads to increasing convergence between systems. At the same time, we have not sufficiently developed our ability to understand and, above all, take into account the existing differences and starting points, which are also conditioned by history. This, as well as tolerance and openness, are essential if we want to make faster progress. Or, as you mentioned in the question, to make our world a better place.
The Chinese Weekly: Is there anything you would like to add?
Minister Zdravko Počivalšek: My heartfelt and best wishes are with you all and your loving families throughout this Chinese New Year and always. Wishing you have all the joy and prosperity.
文/采访 张雪
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