We are living in exciting times. The Federal Reserve has created what is probably the largest and longest-lasting financial bubble in the history of the US. It doesn’t matter if frustrated traders continue to yell bearish sentences on why the market should collapse any time soon. The reality is that we could easily mention a thousand reasons, but the bubble continues to get grow.
The central banks (i.e. Bank of Japan, European Central Bank, and US Federal Reserve) have market participants “addicted” to “free” money, while savers (and middle-class millennials) have been struggling for more than a decade to simply accumulate enough wealth for a first house down payment. The domino effect is very simple: the cheaper and the easier it is to borrow, the higher the demand for investments is ( i.e real estate, stocks, bonds…). Rents get higher, inflation spikes (thanks also to the trade negotiations) and wages are not catching up, meaning the social trap just becomes even tighter.
Now, we might believe that central banks have the situation under control, at the end of the day they are experts with decades of experience. So why do they keep stimulating the economy despite saying it isn't showing any sign of weakness in the near future?
Despite that fact the market certainly seems to like it, corporates (especially those with an elevated amount of outstanding debt) are enjoying their free refinancing and instead of boosting their earnings-per-share (EPS) by producing better goods/services, implementing new pricing policies, increasing their sale volumes or organically acquiring market share, they either repurchase their own shares (making sure the stock price continues to rally) or they can extinguish their “expensive” outstanding debt by issuing new “cheaper” options.
我们现在可能会认为,各国中央银行能够控制局势,毕竟他们是拥有几十年经验的专家。 那么为什么尽管他们说近期并未发现任何疲软迹象,却仍要持续刺激经济呢?
In doing this, they save tens of millions per quarter in interest expenses, lifting their net profit. If we also take into account the tax boost post Trump’s election…you do the maths!
We must also remember that high-level management typically receive stock options and cash incentives based on the “corporate profit” growth. The charts below show how the S&P 500 has become 44% more expensive than 10 years ago (in terms of enterprise value vs operating profit), while the US GDP has grown by a more “moderate” 22% over the same period. How could we explain such a sharp growth, especially the last few months bounce back, if every “active” investor claims to be either short or underweight on stocks? Answer: ETFs, Passive Investments, Algo-Trading and more importantly Corporates shares buybacks ($1tn this year).
别忘了,高层管理人员获得的股票期权和现金奖励都取决于“企业利润”的增长。通过下面这个图表可以看出,S&P 500相比10年前贵了44%(就企业价值与运营利润而言),而美国GDP在同一时期却仅增长了22%。 如果每个“主动”投资者都声称卖空或减持股票,那么我们如何解释这种急剧增长,尤其是最近几个月的反弹? 答案是:增长来自交易所交易基金(ETF)、被动投资、算法交易,还有更重要的企业股票回购(今年达到10亿美元)。
The REPO market scandal (10x higher overnight rate in only few hours, came due to a sudden liquidity shock) , the German recession (historically lower consumer confidence and PMI), the endless Brexit (UK Parliament shut down recently declared unlawful)…all warning factors!
NBS China Manufacturing PMI (previous, 49.5)
UK GDP (previous, 0.5%/1.8% QoQ/YoY)
英国国内生产总值(GDP)(前值为环比增长0.5%、同比增长 1.8%)
Canada Manufacturing PMI (previous, 47.2)
Italy Markit Manufacturing PMI (previous, 48.7)
意大利Markit 制造业 PMI(之前为48.7)
Germany Markit Manufacturing PMI (previous, 43.5)
德国Markit 制造业PMI(之前为43.5)
US ISM Manufacturing PMI (consensus/previous, 50.4/49.1)
美国ISM制造业PMI(一致期望50.4,前值 49.1)
UK Consumer PMI (previous, 45)50.4
US ADP National Employment (consensus/previous, 153K/195K)
US ISM Non-Manufactruing PMI (consensus/previous, 55.8/56.4)
UK Service PMI (previous, 50.6)
US All Car Sales (previous, 4.6mn units)
Australia Retail Sales (previous, -0.1%)
US Non-Farm Payrolls (consensus/previous, 162K/130K)
US Unemployment Rate (consensus/previous, 3.7%/3.7%)
Chart of the week每周图表
Quote of the week 本周语录
"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood...We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of economic growth. How dare you!”
——Greta Thunberg on the climate change effects at the UN Conference last week
Fact of the week 本周事件
A brave trader from Mitsubishi Corp. has just been sacked after losing as much as $320 million. The trader, who was employed by Petro-Diamond Singapore Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, incurred significant losses when a "premature" settlement of derivatives positions had to be closed out, according to his lawyer Joseph Chen. The losses are expected to be about 6% of Mitsubishi's projected profit for the fiscal year, although the right figure has still to be publicly announced.
日本三菱集团一位胆大的交易员在造成3200千万美元的损失后被开除。该交易员此前受雇于三菱集团旗下的石油-钻石新加坡公司(Petro-Diamond Singapore Pte Ltd)。其律师约瑟夫·陈称,当他不得不提前关闭衍生品交易仓位时造成了巨大损失。损失预计约三菱集团本财年预期收益的6%,但实际数额还需要等待公布。
![]() | Stefano SciaccaSciacca拥有专业的资产投资经验,曾就职于大型金融机构如伦敦证券交易所和高盛。现任职瑞麟资本的投资经理一职。Stefano在股票公开市场有非常深入的研究和丰富的知识。 |
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