首页 / 商业理财 / 疫情当下的投资策略,股票还是固定收益?


The uncertainty around any positive development on a potential Coronavirus slowdown or vaccine persists, and the equity markets have more than discounted the likelihood of major consequences on the real economy.


The S&P 500 has touched its historical highest level and closed at 3345 with it being 4 percent up on the year-to-date. Pharmaceuticals, for obvious reasons, and defensive sectors in general have been the ones that showed more resilience during the nCov outbreak crisis and have been seen to outperform.


Industries that have been highly exposed to China, such as semi-conductors and automotive, have continued to struggle. That said, Tesla suddenly gained more than 60% over the past 6 trading days as optimism about the electric automaker spiked.


However, Tesla announced the virus issue will largely impact their delivery projections in China (stock edged down 7 percent). Consider Tesla currently has a market capitalization of a fraction of Ford/General Motors, whilst it is 43% higher than the gigantic VW (10million deliveries in 2019 vs 500K projected by TSLA).


In the meantime, US Government securities have lowered in yield as sentiment around a potential global health emergency escalated. The Treasuries are still highly bid, although the stock market has more than recovered the slight price correction, meaning that active investors continue to be cautious on the matter. On the same vein, Gold has pulled back, following the stock market, and is still perceived as “good buy” in case of bad news from the WHO.


Next week our macro spotlight will be on?



●        Inflation Rate - China 通货膨胀率-中国


●       GDP Growth – UK GDP增长–英国

●       Unemployment Rate - UK 失业率-英国


●        Industrial Production - Eurozone 工业产量-欧元区


●        Inflation Rate – Ger 通货膨胀率–德国

●        Inflation Rate - US 通货膨胀率-美国


●        GDP Growth – Ger GDP增长–德国

●        GDP Growth – Eurozone GDP增长–欧元区

●        Retail Sales – US 零售业销量–美国

●        Industrial Production – US 工业产量–美国

●        Manufacturing Production – US 制造业生产–美国

●        Michigan Consumer Sentiment – US 密歇根州消费者信心指数–美国

Chart of the week 

Fact of the week 本周事件

The Fed is conducting research and experimentation related to distributed ledger technologies and their potential use case for digital currencies, including the potential for a CBDC.


Quote of the week 本周语录

"Coronavirus will have a larger negative effect on the global economy than the SARS outbreak"——IHS Markit


Stefano Sciacca


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dengbao20190516_126_com: twitter上有个人说去年十月美国已经有疫情了。https://twitter.com/_fuckyournorm/status/1241029757761982464 查看原文 06月12日 17:02
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amp13319216570_163_com: dfewfew 查看原文 04月17日 16:50
amp13319216570_163_com: 大国风范qqq 查看原文 04月16日 10:28