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Is the UEFA Champions League only watched by football lovers? And can we make money on the stock market by following football-related events/news?



We all know that football is a very lucrative industry, where business interests rarely leave room for long-lasting relationships between club, footballers and supporters. Football clubs are revenue and, in some cases, profit generating entities listed on public stock exchanges.



The most followed and coveted European competition is the UEFA Champions League (UCL). After this mid-week's quite exciting semi-finals we finally know the two lone survivors: Liverpool FC and Tottenham Hotspur.



Supporters' disappointment and usual end-of-season market transfers rumours have not been the only source of concern for the clubs which failed to make it all the way to the final stages. As we can see in our “Chart of the week”, the UCL path to the final has largely influenced the stock price fluctuations of those clubs listed on respective stock exchanges.



If we consider the stunning Ajax journey to the semi-final as an example, we see the stock being up by more than 60% since early Jan-19. On the other hand, Ajax stock fiercely dropped by more than 30% right after the semi-finals result. Similar stock reaction happened to Juventus’ stock price which rallied 18% after successfully qualifying for the quarter-finals, but also plummeted 43% (basically erasing all year-to-date gains) during the quarter-finals elimination week. AS Roma and Man Utd have also experienced ups and downs based on their performance on-pitch, although with less spiky fluctuations.



Juventus's stock skyrocketed after Cristiano Ronaldo acquisition (+35% in the 2 days following the official announcement). Key players’ injuries and disqualification before crucial football matches throughout the season might also affect stocks price.



We all love and follow football, but what we see on TV might only be part of what is a much bigger picture, especially if we think of it from a financial point-of-view. The capital employed (equity and debt) is how clubs finance potential footballers acquisition (assets whose value is amortised over time), while profitability is driven by growing revenue (merchandising, Champions League qualification contribution paid by UEFA, TV rights sales), pricing impact on tickets & branded products and labour cost (management and footballers contracts mainly). We now know an extra-reason why we should follow football.  



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Ferrari (RACE.MI) outstanding Q1 earnings release lifted up the stock price by more than 5%. The Italian luxury car manufacturer beat on Revenue (by €71m, +13% yoy) and EPS (by €0.16, +22% yoy). The company also declared a €1.03 dividend per share and reiterated their FY2019 guidance (see table below).



Ferrari's strong orders momentum continues thanks mainly to the solid and growing demand for the latest model (Portofino), which accounted for 30.8% of the sales increase of the 8-cylinder models.


Across the lines, Ferrari experienced a much larger than expected growth in vehicles shipped (+23% yoy), which pushed the Adj. EBIT margin 60bps higher compared to Q1 2018.



What really impressed investors was the big jump in Chinese sales. In this respect, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong combined deliveries boosted by 79% yoy, while EMEA, NSA and Rest of APAC continued to post at least double-digit growth of 10%, 27% and 29%, respectively.



Finally, the Industrial Free Cash Flow grew by €191mn yoy, thanks to €122mn increase in working capital (167mn higher than Q1 2018), while the company reduced its outstanding Net Industrial Debt by €192mn.




Apple (AAPL) Q2 earnings release printed a beat on both revenue ($620mn) and EPS ($0.10). Shares moved up 4.5% post-announcement. While the iPhone maker guides for sequential flattish revenue and increasing expenses, the management seems to focus on share buybacks to return capital to shareholders. The limited increase by 5% in dividends paid ($15bn cash outflow vs Q2 net cash position of $113bn) compared to the much more aggressive $75bn shares repurchase programme already initiated (7.3% of number of diluted shares for the time being), indicates that management believes the company is currently undervalued.

苹果公司第二季度财报显示,其收入 (6.2亿美元)和每股收益(0.10美元)双双好于预期。消息公布后,该公司股价上涨4.5%。尽管这家iPhone制造商预计营收将连续持平,而支出不断增加,但管理层似乎把重点放在了股票回购上,以向股东返还资本。与已启动的750亿美元股票回购计划 (目前占稀释股票总数的7.3%)相比,分红的增长有限,仅5% (分红150亿美元,而第二季度现金净流入1130亿美元),这表明管理层认为该公司目前估值过低。


The yoy revenue decline of 5% has been largely due to a decrease in iPhone sales ($31bn vs $37bn in Q1 2018). On a positive note, Services and Wearables, Home & Accessories segments continue to post solid growth of 16% and 30%, respectively. Although Apple sales exposure to iPhone decreased from 61.4% to 53.5%, what will be crucial for the upcoming quarters is whether the management will be able to manage the smartphone sales decline without having an impact on margins.



Disney (DIS) reported its Q2 earnings with a strong beat on both EPS ($1.97) and revenue ($390mn). The stock went up 1.6% following the release.  Revenue went up 3% for the quarter ($14.9bn), while 1% for the half-year ($30bn). The main contributors for the interim revenue growth were Parks, Experiences and Products (+5%) and Direct-to-consumer & International (+15%).

 迪士尼 (DIS) 公布了第二季度财务状况,其中每股收益(1.97美元)和收入(3.9亿美元)都表现强劲。该公司股票在财报发布后上涨了1.6%本季度收入增长3% (149亿美元),去年上半年增长1% (300亿美元)。中期收入增长的主要动力是迪士尼公园(Parks)、体验和产品(+5%)以及直接面向消费者国际业务(+15%)


Segment operating income sharply fell 10% yoy for the quarter ($3.8bn), while it moderately declined by 9% for the half-year ($7.4bn). Studio Entertainment operating income dropped by 39% and 50% in Q1 and H1, respectively. Decline partially due to a decrease in theatrical and home entertainment distribution results.Net income rallied for both the quarter and the half-year by 85% and 12%, respectively.



One of the DIS’ future main competitors within the streaming services space is Roku (ROKU). The US tech company’s stock rallied 8% following a strong beat on EPS ($0.17) and revenue ($16.9mn).

迪士尼未来在流媒体服务领域的主要竞争对手之一是罗库公司 (Roku)。在每股收益(0.17美元)和营收(1690万美元) 强劲增长之后,这家美国科技公司的股价上涨了8%。

Roku increased its 2019 full-year guidance to:



1. Total Net Revenue: $1030mn to $1050mn


2. Total Gross Profit: $465mn to $475mn


3. Net Income: -$75mn to -$65mn


4. Adj. EBITDA: $10mn to $20mn



Revenue grew by 51% yoy, pushed up by a 79% yoy growth in Platform revenue (+40% active users and +74% streaming hours).  Gross Margin expanded by 260bps (48.8%). All-in-all, Roku’s Q1 results exceeded previous guidance for revenue, gross profit and adjusted EBITDA, driven by strong operational execution, robust active account growth and the strengthening shift to streaming, which the management expect to continue.

该公司收入同比增长51%,主要是由于平台收入同比增长79%(+40%的活跃用户和+74%的流媒体时间)。毛利率增长了2.6% (48.8%)。总而言之,Roku第一季度的收益、毛利润和调整后的EBITDA均超过了此前的预期,这主要得益于强劲的运营,活跃账户增长以及向流媒体的不断强化。管理层预计流媒体业务将继续发展。


Lyft (LYFT) first public earnings release was mix as the company missed on EPS ($7.95) and beat on revenue ($36mn). Share edged up 1%.  Q1 revenue went up 95% yoy ($776mn), as the number of active riders increased from 14mn to 20.5mn (46%) in the quarter, meaning the revenue per active rider also ticked up by 34%. The Adj. EBITDA improved from last year's level of -$239mn to -$216mn in Q1 2019.

来福车 (Lyft)首次公开收益,结果喜忧参半,该公司未能实现每股盈利(7.95美元),但是营业收入(3600万美元)超过预期。股价微涨1%第一季度的收入同比增长95%(7.76亿美元),因为活跃乘客的数量从1400万增加到了2050(46%),这意味着每个活跃乘客的收入也增长了34%。调整后的EBITDA从去年全年2.39亿美元2019年第一季度的2.16亿美元。


The company guides for FY 2019 total revenue of $3.275bn to $3.3bn and Adj. EBITDA of $1.15 to $1.175bn.



Next week our macro spotlight will be on?





Industrial production March 2019 – Eurozone

Interest rates (3 months) April 2019 – Eurozone


Regional labour market statistics in the UK: May 2019




Flash estimate GDP and employment - euro area and EU Q1/2019





International trade in goods March 2019





Inflation (HICP) April 2019 – Eurozone


Production in construction March 2019 – Eurozone


Chart of the Week



Fact of the Week



Over the past six months alone, Apple has bought approximately 20 to 25 companies (one every two to three weeks on average). The US tech giant often doesn't announce these deals because the companies are small, and Apple is "primarily looking for talent and intellectual property”. --Tim Cook, CEO of Apple

仅在过去6个月,苹果就收购了大约20至25家公司(平均每两至三周就收购一家)。这家美国科技巨头通常不会宣布这些交易,因为这些公司规模较小,而苹果“主要是在寻找人才和知识产权”。——蒂姆 库克,苹果公司首席执行官


Quote of the Week



“After delivering the biggest opening of all time, the movie has generated almost $2.3 billion in worldwide box office to date, making it the second-highest grossing film of all time, after just 2 weeks in theatres.”--Robert Iger, Disney CEO, on latest Avengers saga movie release phenomenal success


Stefano Sciacca


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